Project 4 Montage


Description: A montage of Harrison ford in Patriot Games as Jack Ryan contemplating events and people after stoping a terrorist attack in London.

Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, Steps taken while designing):

  1. The first thing I did was look through the examples on I-learn. While looking, I thought that the image with the man in glasses looked a little like Harrison Ford at first glance. From there I decided to use him as the main focus of this project.
  2. The second thing that I did was look up Harrison Ford movies. I wanted to find a movie that wasn’t Star Wars or Indiana Jones. Patriot Games is one of my favorite movies and books, so when I saw it I decided to use it.
  3. From there, I looked up pictures of Harrison Ford from the movie that I could use.
  4. Upon seeing his picture, I thought that it looked like he was contemplating things. From there, I got the idea to do a montage of him contemplating people and events surrounding the terrorist attack at the beginning of the book/movie.
  5. I then found images of the people/events that I felt best depicted major points of the movie.
  6. I imported these pictures into Photoshop and flipped images to help give a good flow.
  7. I placed the more important images closer to him and in the top, since this is the direction of his eyes.
  8. I then used the paint brush and masking tools to take away the borders, and then make certain areas of the images transparent.

Message: I wanted to convey the intensity and overall motivating factors of Harrison Ford as Jack Ryan in the Patriot Games.

Audience: My audience is Harrison Ford fans, Patriot Game fans, and Tom Clancy (Author) fans

Top Thing Learned: The biggest thing that I learned is how careful color and fades need to be used. My first draft had images too dark with the “darker” background and did not print that well.

Filter / Colorization used and where it was applied: I did not adjust color, but if I were to do this project again, I would strongly consider making the darker areas a little bit brighter.

Color scheme and color names: The primary colors used are really brown/yellow, dark “grey”, and black. White was used for the text.

Title Font Name & Category: Times New Roman, Transitional Serif

Copy Font Name & Category: There is no copy in this image.

Thumbnails of Images used: 6a00e54ee7b642883301676708ea82970b-500wiPatriot-Games-Admiral-James-Greer-3games31409-14653485_3Patriot-Games-sean-bean-9606653-853-480

Sources (Links to images on original websites / with title of site):

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